BEST OF 2011

Best Of 2011: Punk/Hardcore

MAGNET’s Bryan C. Reed picks the best punk/hardcore releases of the year.

1. THE MEN Leave Home (Sacred Bones)
2. ICEAGE New Brigade (What’s Your Rupture?)
3. COLA FREAKS Cola Freaks (Douchemaster)
4. BRAIN F≠ Sleep Rough (Sorry State/Grave Mistake)
5. WICCANS Skullduggery (Katorga Works)
6. MOB RULES The Donor (Sorry State)
7. NIGHT BIRDS The Other Side Of Darkness (Grave Mistake)
8. CONDOMINIUM Warm Home (Condominium)
9. SOKEA PISTE Ajatus Karkaa (Kämäset Levyt)
10. NIGHT FEVER New Blood (Tankcrimes)

One reply on “Best Of 2011: Punk/Hardcore”

I guess it’s technically a 2010 release (I think)….but no mention of OFF! – First Four EPs?!? Can’t even get more punk than those guys!!

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