Brooklyn trio Au Revoir Simone recently took to the road to promote its latest pop confection, the keyboard-buzzing beauty Still Night, Still Light. Annie Hart reports:
To put it lightly, on this tour we fell in love with our opening band, the Antlers. Evidence to prove our love:
Exhibit A: Erika and I jumping on the bed during our last night possible to party with them (above). Darby, the mister-fix-it keyboard player, forced us to jump with pillows placed on top of our heads in order to not hurt our noggins on the ceiling, which was clearly not designed with the possibility of rather tall ladies bouncing on beds beneath them without snapping their necks.
More after the jump:
“Lark (Ruff And Jam Remix)” (download):
Exhibit B: Me asleep in the van after said night of partying with a stolen hotel towel as a blanket and Peter’s favorite summer shirt as a pillowcase. I drooled on it a little and ended up confessing it to Peter when we saw him next at the venue in San Francisco. But only because I ended up making Exhibit C below and felt a little guilty about the addition to his garment.
Exhibit C: Fake Peter. He was a spiraling joke that started from dancing with Peter’s favorite sumer shirt on a pillow the night before that I extended a little too much with a color, nearly life-sized print out of his head and a bit of cardboard and tape that ended up looking like a shriveled, armless-and-legless and slightly small-headed version of the real man with a coy smile on his face. I couldn’t stop carrying him around everywhere, and hence poor Chico was sadly left abandoned in the back of the van. Oh, poor Chico! But check this out, and you’ll understand:
Exhibit D: A group shot after the show at Bimbo’s. Note all the boys in Au Revoir Simone attire, which they donned before their last song in the set.