
Los Campesinos! Got Your Back: “The Guardian Football Weekly” Podcast

LosCamplogoAs evidenced by both their music and exclamatory band name, the seven members of Cardiff, Wales’ Los Campesinos! are excitable boys and girls. The group’s third album, Romance Is Boring (Arts & Crafts), is an energetic, all-hands-on-deck dash through the pantheon of sharp indie pop and sloppy post-punk, gathering steam from Bright Eyes’ sense of emotional catharsis and Art Brut’s wry take on modern love. Try to gather all the influences brought to bear on Romance Is Boring by LC!’s seven-member army, however, and we’d be here all day. MAGNET spoke to songwriter Tom Campesinos! and guitarist Neil Campesinos!—all members (Tom, Neil, Ellen, Gareth, Harriet, Ollie and Kim) have taken the band’s surname—about the new album. Los Campesinos! will be guest editing all week. Read our Q&A with them.

podcastTom: This is the only podcast I regularly listen to, and whenever we’re on tour abroad, the low, sensual mumbling of these men in my ear provides much comfort. The realm of football punditry—and, indeed, football itself—can feel like a bleak, depressing place at times, but this podcast fills me with much hope as it almost single-handedly snatches back the reputation of football analysis from the Luddite grip of the likes of pretty-but-dim Jamie Redknapp or the curb-crawlin’ David Pleat. Here, on Football Weekly, James Richardson, Barry Glendenning, Jonathan Wilson and friends provide insightful analysis into the game from around the world. It gets geeky, but never poe-faced, and is always entertaining. In fact, often it just sounds like a bunch of men dicking around in a recording studio. And that’s what I like listening to in my spare time. Sometimes I even find myself wishing that these people were my friends. And sometimes it feels like they already are. Video after the jump.