One constant over the past 17 years of MAGNET has been the music of Jason Noble. First with the post-hardcore Rodan, then the classically inclined Rachel’s, the post-rock Shipping News and the theatrically concerned Young Scamels, Noble has always been involved with projects that interested and challenged us. Noble has two new releases: a live Shipping News album, One Less Heartless To Fear (Karate Body/Noise Pollution), and the debut LP from the Young Scamels, Tempest (File 13). Unfortunately, creating music is hardly the main concern for Noble these days. The 39-year-old Louisville, Ky., native was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a rare form of cancer, 15 months ago and is currently battling the disease with the determination, positive energy and modesty he has always displayed in his two-decade musical career. MAGNET is proud to have Noble guest editing our website all week. Read our Q&A with him.
“Violent Colors”
Noble: Shannonwright has made a series of breathtaking albums, often featuring her playing most of the instruments and certainly possessed of her particular vision. She’s been a big part of the Touch And Go/Quarterstick family and has been able to navigate certain questionable elements of the music business with grace. Her live shows are well known for their ferocity and tenderness, and her work ethic is jaw-dropping. Her voice is free in the way that’s indescribable (one possible reference would be the octave-soaring Diamanda Galas or maybe the powerful Giovanna Cacciola from Uzeda). It ranges from a painful bloody rage to a healing balm (and back). Her new album is called Secret Blood, and it was released October 31 by Vicious Circle. I’ve had the good fortune to work with Shannon on a few recordings and seen her collaborate with numerous people in our musical peer group. I truly admire her work and her truly generous attitude toward other artists.
Videos after the jump.