
Smoking Popes’ Matt Caterer Needs You Around: Dachshunds

Aside from having the coolest name of any punk-leaning Chicago-area band since Big Black, Smoking Popes have been blessed with core fan base that refused to quit on the outfit. When leader Josh Caterer pulled the plug on the Popes in 1998, it came little more than a year after releasing what might have been the group’s best album, Destination Failure, perplexing many but apparently offending few. Seven years later, a sold-out reunion show in the Popes’ hometown was all it took to get Caterer back in a creative mood. From there, Josh and brothers Matt (bass) and Eli (guitar) pretty much picked up where they left off, releasing Stay Down in 2008 and compilation It’s Been A Long Day last year. The new This Is Only A Test (Asian Man) is a concept album that only occasionally comes across as such, with the 38-year-old Josh taking on the role of an angsty teenager to convincing effect. Josh and Matt will be guest-editing all week. Read our new Q&A with Josh.

Matt: Unless you’re one of those macho dipshits who mocks the smaller breeds, you know that little dogs take canine cuteness and multiply it by about a billion. Dachshunds up the ante even further by adding an extra level of hilarity to the adorableness. The otter-paw front legs, the rabbit-hoove hind legs, the mid section that’s twice as long as it needs to be, the floppy ears, the shark eyes with the little dots above them for eyebrows. It’s like the Dr. Frankenstein of dogs stiched them together from the most comical parts in his operating room. My girlfriend Tracy has a dachshund named Dinky. We have a lot of fun with him. One Halloween, we dressed him up in a hot-dog costume. Too obvious you say? I thought so too at first, until I saw him in it. A weiner dog squished between two buns made of felt with felt squirts of ketchup and mustard on top. Priceless. We took him out trick-or-treating, and he blew everyone’s mind. 
Last year, Tracy and I went to the dog show to watch them show the dachshunds. It was pretty much as ridiculous as the movie Best In Show, but at the same time somehow inspiring.
We just got another doxie. Her name is Bibi, and she was given to us by a family that had to move in a hurry and couldn’t take her where they were going. If you’re in the Midwest and are considering giving a pet in need a forever home, check out the Midwest Dachshund Rescue site. You won’t regret it.

Video after the jump.