
Wye Oak Is Keeping Company With: Scotch

Over the course of three surprise-filled albums, Wye Oak has artistically come of age in the public eye. Singer/guitarist Jenn Wasner and drummer/keyboardist Andy Stack mesh spellbinding folk-rock melodies with a dynamic range that shifts, in the blink of an eye, from the parlor to the garage. The Baltimore duo, whose latest album Civilian (Merge) can whisper as loud as it rocks the rafters, is on duty all week as guest editors of the MAGNET website. Read our brand new Q&A with Wasner.

Jenn: Jesus Christ, I feel like a pretentious fuck for including this, but I really honestly do love scotch. It’s just simply the most delicious and elegant way to get you drunk. I like the really peaty, smoky stuff, the kind that smells like sheep shit and tastes like a smoldering log. Believe me, I wouldn’t drink it if I didn’t like it; it’s an expensive habit.

Video after the jump.