
MP3 At 3PM: Richard Buckner

Richard Buckner returns August 2 with Our Blood (Merge). The nine-track LP is his first album in half a decade and is the follow-up to Meadow. Our Blood is also set to be the first Buckner record to be released on a format the kids like to call vinyl. Part of the five-year gap between albums stems from technical difficulties including his tape machine dying and his laptop being stolen. Says Buckner, “Eventually, the recording machine was resuscitated, and some of the material was recovered. Cracks were patched. Parts were redundantly reinvented. Commas were moved. Insinuations were re-insinuated until the last percussive breaths of those final OCD utterances were expelled like the final heaves of bile, wept out long after the climactic drama had faded to a somber, blurry moment of truth. And voilà!, the record was done or, let us be clear, abandoned like the charred shell of a car with a nice stereo.” If Our Blood is half as good as that quote, we’re excited. Download opener “Traitor” below.

“Traitor” (download):