
From The Desk Of The Black Watch’s Steven Schayer: “Sister Ray” And The Division Of The People Of Earth By Song

For almost 25 years, John Andrew Fredrick and a revolving cast of characters have been issuing records as the Black Watch. The California-based indie-rock institution is back with 11th album Led Zeppelin Five (Powertool), and it’s the first LP to feature the rock-solid lineup of Fredrick, guitarist Steven Schayer (ex-Chills), bassist Chris Rackford and drummer Rick Woodard. When Fredrick isn’t busy writing and recording songs, he’s teaching English at the University of California, so we thought he’d a be a natural choice to guest edit the MAGNET website. Fredrick, with some assistance from Schayer, will be doing exactly that all week. Read our brand new Q&A with Fredrick.

Schayer: In my opinion, there are two types of people in the world: those who can’t or won’t listen to the entirety of the Velvet Underground’s “Sister Ray” and those who can and do. It’s impossible to prove, but it makes perfect sense to me. I’m not really sure what conclusions can be drawn from it, but it seems logical. I mean, you’d have to sit every single person down and subject them to it as some sort of acid test and see what happens. Who’s going to cave? Who’s going to sit there patiently? And, most importantly, who’s going to actually and thoroughly enjoy the whole 17 minutes of it? Even the song’s engineer left the room and asked to be told when they were done recording it, so we’ve already established what sort of person he is. So that’s at least one down. Me? I’m in it for the long run.

Video after the jump.