
Tedeschi Trucks Band’s Simple Things: Mahalia Jackson

Since the mid-’90s, Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks have both had successful music careers, she as an acclaimed singer/songwriter and he as an electrifying guitar player with his group and the Allman Brothers Band, among others. The two met on tour in 1999, married a couple of years later and had two children, but their hectic solo schedules often kept them apart. To rectify the situation, they formed the Tedeschi Trucks Band, an 11-member ensemble that recently released debut album Revelator (Sony Masterworks), which was recorded at the duo’s home studio. Knowing how much they like to do things together, we asked Tedeschi and Trucks to guest edit all week. Read our brand new Q&A with them.

Susan: Mahalia Jackson was one of the most influential gospel singers to sing in the church or onstage. If you haven’t dug deep into gospel music, you may not have heard her name, but she’s likely directly or indirectly influenced every gospel singer you’ve listened to. She had such a powerful voice that you could hear her distort the old ribbon mics they used to record her. It’s obvious she really meant every word she sang, and that unwavering belief is clear in every note. There was no phoning it in for her.

Video after the jump.