Andy Shernoff was always the main creative force behind one of New York’s best bands ever, the Dictators. He wrote the material and sang the leads. In the royal line of succession for NYC bands in the ’70s, they came along right after the birth of the New York Dolls. Every bit as raw, noisy and in-your-face as the Dolls, there was one thing the Dictators didn’t share with David Johansen and Co.: their sense of fashion. Rather than climb on the glam bandwagon, the Dictators dressed in leather jackets, jeans and T-shirts and paved the way for the punk revolution of 1977. Shernoff is doing the solo thing these days, with a new single called “Are You Ready To Rapture?” He’ll also be guest editing all week. Read our brand new Q&A with him.
Shernoff: There isn’t a wine on the planet that is worth $100 (much less $300), but if somebody else is paying, this is the bottle to order even in a bad vintage. Burgundy is a minefield of inconsistent bottles and unpredictable agreeability, but when all the stars align it is truly heaven in a bottle. In the strict Burgundian hierarchy, Clos St. Jacques is an underdog vineyard, a mid-level Premier Cru ranked lower than the more expensive and pretentious Grand Cru vineyards, whose asses it consistently kicks. In a region of brilliant, alchemist/farmers creating the world’s most expensive wines, Rousseau is top dog!
Video after the jump.