
From The Desk Of Imperial Teen: Tournament Of Champions

Imperial Teen has been around for longer than you think; roughly 15 years to be exact. Wielding its own distinct brand of pop/rock, the quartet has since crafted a solid niche for itself on the indie scene, particularly thanks to the experience of seasoned pros Will Schwartz, Roddy Bottum, Jone Stebbins and Lynn Truell. Known for its complex lyrics and catchy hooks, Imperial Teen has made a solid mark in the music world during its run, especially with new album Feel The Sound (Merge). We decided to test that experience by inviting the band to guest edit all week. Read our brand new Q&A with Schwartz.

Bottum: Every year in late January, a huge glass squash court goes up in the west wing of Grand Central Station in Manhattan, and the top squash players in the world play and compete for the title at the Tournament Of Champions. I’m an avid squash player and enthusiast, and I go every year. It’s the kind of the place to be for lovers of the sport. Location is key: Commuters on their way to work, trudging through the terminal are like, “What the fuck?” Understand, the court is glass. Phenomenal.