
Normal History Vol. 152: The Art Of David Lester

Every Saturday, we’ll be posting a new illustration by David Lester. The Mecca Normal guitarist is visually documenting people, places and events from his band’s 28-year run, with text by vocalist Jean Smith.

Yesterday at Curves, a woman told me a story about her sister’s marriage ending after 30 years. She’d texteded (great word … nice work on the lingo, kids … urban dictionary has texteded down as a more awesomer way of saying texted). Also, keeping up with the young folks this week, adult women have taken to wearing big bows in their hair. My theory is that they’re hoping their parents won’t tell them to move out of the house if they look like they’re five years old. Also at work, a woman referred to her son as a young adult. I figured she meant someone between 17 and 22.

I asked, “How old is he?”

Thirty-four years old,” she said.

Sorry lady, that’s not a young adult; that’s approaching middle aged, time to start planning retirement and this guy is still living in the basement, trying to figure out what he wants to do when he grows up?

Back to the story. The sister texteded to say her husband was divorcing her.

I asked, “Why did she text this news?”

“She was too upset to speak.”

“How did she find out she was being divorced?” I asked.

“A man walked into her office at the bank in the small town they live in and told her that his wife was having an affair with her husband. He thought she should know.”

The wife had no idea that her husband was having an affair, thinking of leaving, etc., but evidently, months earlier he had mentioned that he might not be in love with the wife any more and he was going to think about that for a while and the wife waited around for him to decide. Guess not.