
From The Desk Of Wooden Wand: eBay

James Jackson Toth (better known by his nom de plume, Wooden Wand) and MAGNET go way back. We’ve been rabidly following his prolific, genre-eschewing career over the last decade: 100-plus records and counting, from short run seven-inches and handmade CD-Rs to major releases on some of the world’s most respected indie labels, including Kill Rock Stars, Ecstatic Peace and Young God, covering everything from the freakiest of folk to the most American rock ‘n’ roll money can buy. We’ve been lucky enough to have him as guest editor of a couple of other times over the years, and he’s hooked us up with great mix tapes and been a constant source of great discussions about music. Toth will be guest editing all week. Read our new Q&A with him.

Toth: When I’m not on the road touring, or climbing some godforsaken 40-foot ladder painting someone’s house, eBay is how I survive in this post-filesharing world. A hoarder before the term was fashionable, I have amassed enough records, books and back issues of Thrasher to keep me out of debtor’s prison for years. I will admit that, whether I am bidder or bidee on eBay, waking up with that familiar feverish anticipation and checking on the items I am selling or bidding on is one of my favorite ways to start the day. That “robot bidder” shit oughta be outlawed, though. Those heartless cyborgs have taken years off my life, to say nothing of robbing me, by mere pennies, of several rare private pressings. Some bullshit, that.

Video after the jump.