
From The Desk Of Turing Machine’s Justin Chearno: Sean Rembold

The complex math rock/angular indie/krautrock mix as embarked upon by New York’s Turing Machine since 1998 came to an abruptly tragic end in November 2009. On the eighth of that month, 34-year-old drummer Gerhardt “Jerry” Fuchs was killed in a freak elevator-shaft accident in a building where he was attending a fundraiser. Understandably, surviving members Justin Chearno (guitar) and Scott DeSimon (bass) put the band to rest after losing an integral piece of their musical puzzle and close friend. So, it was to everyone’s surprise when, earlier this year, Turing Machine announced its return with a new album, What Is The Meaning Of What (Temporary Residence Ltd.). Chearno and DeSimon will also be guest editing all week. Read our brand new feature on them.

Chearno: Sean is the Chef de Cuisine at Marlow And Sons, Diner and Reynards in Brooklyn. Our old practice space was around the corner from Marlow and Diner, and we became close friends after hanging out at their respective counters over the years. His work ethic is humbling, to say the least, and he can drink us under that table. He also makes an unbelievable chicken under a 30-pound weight (once part of a battleship) that haunts other chefs at night. One more thing: He has a giant soft spot for the math-y mid-’90s rock world that Scott and I grew up in (he’s from Louisville), so that’s often where the conversation goes after-hours. The guy serves celebrities every night, but I’ve never seen him as nervous as the time when Shellac came in for lunch.

Video after the jump.