
From The Desk Of Ryan Monroe: Male Pattern Boildness And Bald P-nuts

Ryan Monroe hadn’t considered himself a control freak by nature. Then he found himself at Redstar Recording in Silver Lake, Calif., with its myriad instruments scattered around, just begging to be fiddled with. For a guy who can play just about anything, it was impossible to resist. So Monroe took a breather from his continuing role as the 34-year-old bastion of versatility in Band Of Horses to record A Painting Of A Painting On Fire (RCM). Monroe hopes to tour this summer behind A Painting before things get too busy with Band Of Horses, which is finishing its fourth album with producer Glyn Johns and eyeing a September release. Monroe will also be guest editing all week. Read our new feature on him.

Monroe: Boiled peanuts, people. They are delectable. God only knows why they aren’t more popular around the globe. If you’re ever traveling through the South, and you see a painted sign that says “Boiled Peanuts,” do yourself a favor: Stop and get-choo-sum. When my parents first moved my brother and me to S.C. in the early ’80s, we kept hearing about Bald Peanuts and were thoroughly confused. Don’t let the Southern accent fool you; the folks mean “boiled” if it sounds like “bald,” unless there’s a crop of previously hairy peanuts that look like Telly Savalas that I’m unaware of. If that’s the case, then I’m wrong, and I bet they’re delicious as well. I have to say if that is the case, then I’d like to hereby copyright the name Kojak Nuts. It’s a lot less confusing and pretty catchy. Enjoy the nuts! Here’s the Wiki link to “Bald P-nuts.”

Video after the jump.