
From The Desk Of The Cribs’ Gary Jarman: Sean Croghan

In The Belly Of The Brazen Bull (Wichita), the follow-up to 2009’s enormously successful Ignore The Ignorant, represents a physical return to the Cribs’ original band-of-Brit-brothers format—Gary Jarman on bass/vocals, his twin Ryan on guitar/vocals and younger sibling Ross on drums—after the departure of the massively influential Johnny Marr. The Smiths guitarist added sinewy guitar and a palpable sense of maturation to the Cribs’ already potent sound, and given the new LP’s blend of visceral raw-punk energy and full-bodied pop melodicism, Marr’s two-year tenure with the band left an obvious mark on it creative approach. Gary will be guest editing all week. Read our recent feature on the Cribs.

Jarman: Sean is an awesome artist from Portland, Ore. Incredibly prolific, he is creating pieces almost relentlessly. Even when relaxing in a bar, he is compulsively creating several pieces a night like he can’t switch off. I would say that his work is in the tradition of folk art in the way that it is created, but the subject matter ranges from weird, unsettling surrealities to stark, character-based pieces. I love the improvisational element to a lot of it, the fact that he often starts working without any knowledge of where it is going to go, a natural talent. We used one of his pieces on our “Come One, Be A No-One” single.

Video after the jump.