
From The Desk Of Redd Kross’ Jeff McDonald: Diet Rockstar

Redd Kross just released its first album in 15 years, which we honestly didn’t think was going to happen. Researching The Blues (Merge) is as close to our Platonic ideal of what a rock ‘n’ roll record should sound like: punk-rock fury mixed with power-pop hooks and tinged with a fringe of psychedelia. Researching embodies the best of what the band has done since it started out 34 years ago (during the first wave of L.A. punk) and continued throughout the ’80s and ’90s while taking perpendicular approaches to the prevailing trends of the era. In an age where the tenets of genre conventions and the rigidity that once separated sounds and scenes are no longer relevant, Redd Kross returns as prodigal sons. Brothers Jeff and Steve McDonald, Roy McDonald (no relation) and Jason Shapiro will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new feature on them.

Jeff McDonald: I guess it’s actually called Rockstar Sugar Free, but I feel the “Sugar Free” part is an anti-gay slag, and because all rock stars have to diet and all rock stars have a little sugar in them, I prefer to call it Diet Rockstar. It gives you energy without adding the pounds and is best right before a show. Some of my tightest, most focused performances were done under the influence of this delicious drink.

Not advised if you’re on antidepressants.

Video after the jump.