
From The Desk Of Matt Pond: Chris Hansen

It wasn’t a near-death experience, but it was enough to compel Matt Pond to hit the reset button. The newly emancipated, New Hampshire-bred frontguy for the ever-morphing outfit Matt Pond PA broke his leg on tour in 2011. Shaken by the freak occurrence and the ensuing surgery, Pond finished out the tour sitting down, then headed to St. Augustine, Fla., to convalesce with friends. Once there, he quickly took to the funky, historic northeast Florida town’s laid-back lifestyle and Southern lilt. A rejuvenated sheen permeates The Lives Inside The Lines Of Your Hands (BMG)—especially the new album’s ebullient first half. It isn’t so much that Pond has abandoned the autumnal, inward-delving perspective that pervaded 2010’s The Dark Leaves, or his long-established penchant for overt melancholy. But he has given both a thorough airing out with a blast of smog-free, temperate air. Pond will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new feature on him.


Pond: Chris has worked with me on the last three albums and the last few EPs, strummed with me in the Wooden Birds and composed most of the music to the soundtrack of Lebanon, Pa. This is a gentleman who’s stuck by me through some of my ugliest moments. He’s the definition of a friend, and a bandmate. Though what I do is sometimes regarded as a solo project, it is not. His billing should be recognized more, mostly, by me. I’d also like to shout out the newest members of my/our band. Tierney Tough (Pauses), Tre Hester and Ranson Vorphal. I’m indebted to these people for their talent and endless understanding.

Video after the jump.