
From The Desk Of Spacehog: The Stanley Kubrick Exhibition At LACMA

SpacehogLogoIn the 17 years since its auspicious start, plenty has happened to Spacehog—some of it not so great. And still, the group’s new release, As It Is On Earth (Hog Space), carries on almost as if there were no gaping 12 years of dead air since the 2001 release of the band’s last album, The Hogyssey. As It Is On Earth displays none of the derivative Bowie/T.Rex laziness of its predecessor, while harnessing manageable doses of the antsy experimental energy that fueled Resident Alien’s expansive 1998 follow-up, The Chinese Album. Spacehog frontman Royston Langdon will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new feature on the band.


Royston Langdon: I lived in Los Angeles for a bit a few years ago. One of my favourite places there is the LACMA. Recently, whilst visiting, I went back as I usually do. I was fortunate enough to see the the Stanley Kubrick Exhibition there. It was truly fascinating to get behind the mind of this filmmaker. Footage, props, stills, his equipment and notes and letters to his various cast members. Paying incredible attention to every detail. Although a well-documented Hollywood outsider, getting to see these his fantasy’s brought to life up close and personal was incredible, and all the more pointed it being in Tinseltown itself. I see that a film about Napoleon, which he never got to complete, is now being taken over by Steven Spielberg. The Kubrick legacy continues at a cinema near you.

Video after the jump.