
From The Desk Of The Love Language: Last Year’s Men’s Vine Account

LoveLanguageLogoThe Love Language’s Ruby Red (Merge) was supposed to be finished more than a year ago. “I can definitely overthink stuff,” says Stuart McLamb, the band’s singer, songwriter, guitarist, bassist and only full-time member. Over the next year, McLamb wound up throwing away some old songs, writing some new ones and recording the whole album all over again, bouncing between 21 musicians and four cities before he and co-producer B.J. Burton decided they were done. It was one of those times when recording was harder than writing, but now that it’s all in the past, McLamb describes himself as “genuinely happy.” McLamb will  be guest editing all week. Read our brand-new feature on the band.


McLamb: Vine. The latest reason to stare at a screen when you’re too restless to actually have a moment alone. It’s basically like Instagram but with video. And it loops every five seconds or so. Last Year’s Men is a rock ‘n’ roll band out of Chapel HIll and is really pushing the boundaries of the six-second short film. I don’t genuinely laugh out loud that often, but the group’s stupid-ass videos had me rolling. My favorite is “Wild Horses.”

Video after the jump.