To call Superchunk drummer Jon Wurster “Superchunk drummer Jon Wurster,” while true, is a bit limiting. He also keeps time full-time (and tours constantly) with Bob Mould and the Mountain Goats, contributes hilarity to The Best Show On WFMU With Tom Scharpling and maintains one of the most reliably funny Twitter feeds. Superchunk is on the road supporting its 10th LP, I Hate Music (Merge); while traveling from gigs to home and to more gigs, Wurster filled some rare empty space in his hectic schedule by guest editing this week. Read our brand-new Q&A with him.
Wurster: You may know her from Chelsea Lately, but this is where you’ll get the unadulterated Jen Kirkman. She records this weekly podcast from the comfort of her own bed, and that’s what makes I Seem Fun feel like she’s just shooting the breeze with you. A major league stand-up comedian in her own right, Kirkman is a master at weaving random small observations (“Everyone is looking hot in front of monuments, that’s what photography has come to”), opinions (“They don’t make dance music like ‘Celebration’ anymore, now it’s all air raid signals”) and fears (“When I’m hiking, I just assume there’s a severed finger on the ground nearby”) into larger, often touching, always funny real-life stories.