
From The Desk Of Red Fang: Gigors Electric

RedFangLogo“We’re a pretty dark band—I don’t see this record getting a lot of radio play.” There’s a warmth in the voice of Bryan Giles, guitarist for Portland, Ore., band Red Fang, that belies his group’s darkness. The band just released its third album, Whales And Leeches (Relapse), after a summer raging across the festivals and rock clubs of Europe. Through a series of hilarious viral videos and years of intensely cathartic, energetic shows, the group has earned a reputation as one of heavy music’s premier party bands—whether it wants that title or not. Giles will be guest editing all week. Read our new Red Fang feature.


Giles: Gigors Electric is quite possibly my favorite club to play in the world. We played there last year. It’s located in the Drôm region of southern France. Originally a chicken coup from hundreds of years ago, it is now an amazing rural rock club. People come from all over France to enjoy the bands that play there and camp out on the massive green field adjacent to it. So rad!

Video after the jump.