
From The Desk Of Dead Meadow’s Jason Simon: “The Master And Margarita”

JasonSimonLogoOn new album Warble Womb (Xemu), Dead Meadow continues going its own way with a thick, dense sound that includes traces of folk, metal, ’60s rock, swampy blues and murky psychedelia. Hints of Howlin’ Wolf and Neil Young also go drifting through the mix from time to time. The long hours the band puts into its music is evident on every track of Warble Womb, an album that took three years to put together. The songs were shaped in Dead Meadow’s home studio and involved experiments with new sounds and recording techniques. Guitarist Jason Simon will be guest editing all week. Read our new Dead Meadow feature.


Simon: The Master And Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov is one of those novels that open onto so many levels of interpretation and meaning yet can never be assigned to any one of them. There is no doubt it is a devastating satire on Soviet life during Stalin’s regime with the devil and his minions wreaking havoc throughout Moscow, yet it is also a testament to the irrepressible nature of the artistic spirit, the power of love and the necessary push and pull of good and evil. As with other great works of Art, it is like life itself, pregnant with meaning and open to countless interpretations. Bulgakov knew he would never see it published during his lifetime due to the Soviet restrictions on free speech yet worked diligently on it for most of his life, pouring into it all of his artistic aspirations.

Video after the jump.