
From The Desk Of Toxic Holocaust: Venom “Black Metal”

ToxicHolocaustLogoogoWith the new Chemistry Of Consciousness (Relapse), frontman Joel Grind expands the Toxic Holocaust sound, explodes it with color and textures that seem more vibrant than the none-more-blackness of 2011’s Conjure And Command. The speed and righteous indignation of artists like Discharge and G.B.H. combine with the massive mixdown and mastering by heavy-music maven and Converge guitarist Kurt Ballou, creating a juggernaut of an album, a record that fires on all cylinders all the time. “Awaken The Serpent,” “Mkultra” and “Out Of The Fire” smack the listener upside the head like the wayward boot of an especially surly crowd surfer. Bassist Phil Zeller will be guest editing all week. Read our recent Toxic Holocaust feature.


Zeller: OK, so this is a pretty obvious one for anyone familiar with our band, but I would feel like a toolbag if I didn’t mention it. This album, along with Welcome To Hell, still embody the main things I love in a heavy record. The sheer rawness, power and evil are unparalelled. The general unpolished-yet-aggressive feel reminds me of a punk band turning to the dark side. Although the record is called Black Metal, it should not be confused with the current ambient, corpse-paint bands playing the style of the same name, though this record was a huge influence on that scene as well. Venom were a tough, evil band, and if you don’t believe that, Cronos will show up at your doorstep and twist you into a pretzel whilst feeding you your own eyeballs.

Video after the jump.