
From The Desk Of Toxic Holocaust: Dan Seagrave

ToxicHolocaustLogoogoWith the new Chemistry Of Consciousness (Relapse), frontman Joel Grind expands the Toxic Holocaust sound, explodes it with color and textures that seem more vibrant than the none-more-blackness of 2011’s Conjure And Command. The speed and righteous indignation of artists like Discharge and G.B.H. combine with the massive mixdown and mastering by heavy-music maven and Converge guitarist Kurt Ballou, creating a juggernaut of an album, a record that fires on all cylinders all the time. “Awaken The Serpent,” “Mkultra” and “Out Of The Fire” smack the listener upside the head like the wayward boot of an especially surly crowd surfer. Bassist Phil Zeller will be guest editing all week. Read our recent Toxic Holocaust feature.


Zeller: I’ve always been a big fan of Dan‘s artwork, as it has graced some of the album covers of some of my favorite death-metal records of all time (i.e. Morbid Angel’s Altars Of Madness, Entombed’s Left Hand Path, etc.). His dark, shadowy style of evil, almost disgusting-looking landscapes along with use of color and detail have always drawn me to his work. The list of cover art he has done is staggering but it should be noted that Dan is always painting and branching out with his style. I had the pleasure of meeting him at an art show he had in Toronto in fall of 2012. I approached him wearing my Bolt Thrower In Battle There Is No Law! T-shirt, to which he immediately (and humorously) pointed out that the artwork was not his. Duh, I know that Dan, but you made me laugh. He was very friendly and receptive to me and my over-the-top adoration, although I think he tired of me quickly as soon as he realized how inebriated I was!

Video after the jump.