
From The Desk Of The Notwist’s Markus Acher: Charles Burns’ “Black Hole”

NotwistLogoAs the Notwist worked together on its new album, Close To The Glass (Sub Pop), the trio felt the songs were going in too many directions. Ultimately, the band gave up on finding a center and embraced the diversity. “With this record, there were no rules anymore,” says frontman Markus Acher. This outcome makes perfect sense when considering the band’s history. The Notwist is all about exploring possibilities: of the interface of acoustic and electronic, the planned and the unplanned, collaboration and revision, evolution and experimentation. The group has released only seven albums over the course of a 25-year career, and Close To The Glass is only the second since 2002’s landmark Neon Golden. Acher will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new feature on the band.


Markus Acher: The horror and beauty of adolescence. Burns‘ “Black Hole” is such an incredible book … I really love the eerie athmosphere of it, and that it has so many layers. Like all good horror-stories, it uses the pictures of mutations and disease to finally tell a totally different story …

Video after the jump.