In the early ’90s, the Jesus Lizard—vocalist David Yow, guitarist Duane Denison, David Wm. Sims and drummer Mac McNeilly—was untouchable. Not literally, of course—if you were at one of its hundreds of shows in that era, you could very easily touch ’em. And given the amount of time Yow spent slithering on top of the audience, you probably didn’t have a choice in the matter. Denison and McNeilly will be guest editing. Read our new MAGNET Classics feature on the band’s Liar album, one of the most important LPs of the ’90s.

McNeilly: You need to hear these (or re-visit them if its been a while). Oh, and remember: Volume is key. Turn up the volume!
“Crown Of Creation” by Jefferson Airplane
Swooping smooth waves of power, and here it just flows like psychedelic lava
“Billion Dollar Babies” by Alice Cooper
Perfect guitar solo, very strong and creative drumming; this band knew their toolbox, and used it
“Lifetime” by Flash
Prog rock, with Peter Banks—original Yes guitarist—this song has one of the trippiest guitar solos; very inventive
“Jury” by Trapeze
Trio featuring some of the most instinctive hard rock-playing you will ever hear; from the album Medusa, and the whole record is on fire
“Hang On To Your Life” by the Guess Who
Angular riff, great drums and a killer guitar solo
“What We All Want” by Gang Of Four
Hypnotic mess of just the right amount of fuzz, fizz and dirt; volume up, please
“Dancing Madly Backwards” by Captain Beyond
Love the drums on this, and the guitar will reduce you