
From The Desk Of Negativland: Freddy McGuire

Negativland was asked to be guest editor of MAGNET this week, which poses a challenge to such a large collective of members with extremely disparate tastes and obsessions. Members Peter Conheim and Mark Hosler came forward to share what’s been on their minds lately and, indeed, what’s informed their thoughts and work over the years. The group’s new album is entitled It’s All In Your Head and, being entirely about faith, monotheism and why humans believe in God, comes packaged inside of an actual King James Bible. And while religion and intolerance are posing the biggest and toughest dilemmas facing the world today—well, excepting that climate business—Negativland will focus instead this week on such things as sounds, pictures and books. And the impending death of everything due to digital technology.

Peter Conheim: Freddy McGuire (pronounced “Freedy”) is the alter-ego chanteuse of Bay Area filmmaker and artist Anne McGuire. With Jon Leidecker, a.k.a. Wobbly (also a member of the Negativland team), she periodically unleashes The Freddy McGuire Show on audiences, as she did in this semi-legendary appearance at San Francisco’s Exploratorium. There is no cabaret act in the universe anything like her. I once asked her to go on a date with me. She declined.