
From The Desk Of The Sharp Things’ Perry Serpa: Kongos’ “Come With Me Now”

Having actually included MAGNET as one of my favorite things (and I promise that’s not sucking up, I really love the publication), you can imagine how chuffed I was at the prospect of a guest editorship. Over the past, well, several years of the Sharp Things‘ existence, Eric Miller has been a friend and an advocate, even when no one else was, so I’m honored to be able to ramble on a bit about a bunch of shit that I dig, because I want everyone to know about it and, more significantly, because it makes me feel important. 😉 Over to you, me …


I don’t think I need to get too far into this one. It’s by the South African band Kongos, who are a four-piece and who’ve been around for about seven years now. I just love this song. It’s the fat, loud, dirty bastard at the end of the bar that you can’t help but watch with one eye. I walk around the house singing this shit at the top of my lungs, drawing out the “Whoaaaa” that kicks off the chorus to, like, four times the length it is on the record. Whatever. It’s like a metal song that features an accordion and builds to an erupting volcano, and the fact that I’m hearing it everywhere these days, makes me feel like there’s hope for the future. Not just of music, but of the world.

Video after the jump.