“There was no sense of urgency, no real plan to finish this album,” says Chris Goyer, lead singer of I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness, a band that’s taken eight years to follow-up Fear Is On Our Side. With titles like “You Are Dead To Me” and “The Sun Burns Out,” Dust picks up exactly where Fear left off, piling dark atmospherics on top of pained, brooding, impenetrable lyrics about whatever happened to be on Goyer’s mind when the tape started rolling. If it sounds heavy, that’s because Ministry’s Paul Barker produced the album, just like the one before. If it occasionally sounds lighter, that’s because the rest of the band members—Daniel Del Favero, Ed Robert, Ernest Salaz and Tim White—haven’t lost their fondness for modular synths, chorus pedals and looping guitar arpeggios. ILYBICD will be guest editing magnetmagazine.com all week. Read our recent feature on them.
Salaz: The last CD I bought was at End Of An Ear, the best record store in Austin, Texas. I usually gravitate to their psychedelic section and randomly pick CD reissues, and I am rarely disappointed. Thanks Dan, Blake, Allison and Jacob. I am a newcomer to Shin Joong Hyun’s music, but this song is just amazing. He’s an absolute shredder. He’s referred to the “godfather of South Korean rock,” and I think that’s a pretty apt description. I love the spooky, ghostly vibe of the recording, and the propulsive, Motown beat. At just less than eight minutes long, it boggles the mind that something this good came out in 1968.
Video after the jump.