
From The Desk Of The Dodos: Stevie Wonder On German TV

For five albums—starting with 2006’s Beware Of The Maniacs—there was always something playful, almost ephemeral about the Dodos, as if they might simply stop recording at any moment. But the duo just issued its crowning achievement, new sixth set Individ, which sets serious subjects to Logan Kroeber’s galloping drum beats, Meric Long’s vibrato-resonant vocals and ethereal finger-picked filigrees, on thoughtful tracks like “Darkness,” “Bastard,” “Precipitation” and an ominous “Goodbyes And Endings.” Long and Kroeber will be guest editing all week. Read our new feature on them.


Kroeber: I was always a casual Stevie Wonder fan, usually encountering him on the radio or on a bar’s jukebox, but this amazing video turned me on to some of his deeper cuts like “Contusion” and “Misstra Know It All.” Everyone in his band does what they do the way you wish you could, and the length and intimacy of the performance really make me feel like I’m on tour with these people. Classic orange amps and insane clothes only sweeten the deal on this time capsule. Be sure to stick around for “Living For The City” toward the end.

Video after the jump.