
From The Desk Of Matt Pond PA: The People’s Zin

Matt Pond PA‘s The State Of Gold is of a piece with the singer/songwriter’s previous work in its tension between plaintive longing and earnest affirmations. Paradoxically, it’s a confident album about having doubts; it looks outward as well as inward. Pond will be guest editing all week. Read our new feature on him.


Pond: In the modern food and cocktail bonanza, it becomes more and more difficult to openly enjoy a cold, cheap Genesee without evoking some kind of khaki smirk. I can only shrug and chug—there’s got to be balance between money and consumption. I enjoy a good beer or bourbon, but I don’t cotton to the pretense or exclusivity. And I’ve never really had the patience to fully apply myself to wine. Listening to self-professed professors wax on about the notes and legs can really kill an expanding evening. I just bought a case of The People’s Zin for $100. Whether it’s solo songwriting night or conversation overkill, “This wine does it!” Please note the dark and deep peppery flavors, the obvious reference to Howard Zinn and that proceeds are donated to excellent causes. “This wine does it!” ®

Video after the jump.