
From The Desk Of Vanessa Carlton: First-Time Car Owner

Liberman is Vanessa Carlton’s latest solo set and fifth overall. With classical-motif tracks like “Blue Pool,” “Take It Easy” and backward-masking-dense closer “Ascension,” Carlton has seriously upped her game, and is now composing complex etudes that easily eclipse her chiming Grammy-nominated hit from 2002, “A Thousand Miles.” Carlton will be guest editing all week. Read our feature on her.


Carlton: I just got a car for the first time. I’ve lived in New York since I was 13 so I never needed one. As a 34-year-old first-time car owner, I realize that the top three most important qualities in a car to me are as follows: One: Turning radius. When you are in a car that doesn’t get you in to a tight spot ’cause it doesn’t turn enough, it’s not cool. We own a Dodge Journey, and that thing is a grey slithery snake. Two: touch sensory auto-lock and unlock. It’s brilliant cause if you are holding a baby or just got your nails done, you don’t have to dig around in your bag looking for your key. The car knows the key is close, and it just unlocks when you touch the handle. Three: decent gas mileage. I know our car isn’t gas guzzling like those huge SUVs you see in L.A. That’s smart.

Video after the jump.