
Essential New Music: GØGGS’s “GØGGS”


Have you or someone you know been affected by Ty Segall Fatigue Syndrome? TSFS—a completely theoretical but altogether possible phenomenon—could affect millions of people, given Segall’s asbestos-like ubiquity in the rock world, a list of which exceeds print word counts.

His latest (as of press time) is GØGGS, but here the Emotional Mugger is riding shotgun. Charles Moothart makes it two-thirds of Fuzz, and a Mikal Cronin vinyl bomb ups it to threefourths of a dozen other bands. Driving the nitro-fueled vehicle is Chris Shaw, a Slaughterhouse tourmate whose bark is worse than most bites. As with his main gig Ex-Cult, Shaw’s detuned, smoke-trailing vocals are the runaway engine to which this crazy train is hitched.

The first three tracks, culminating in prolonged erection “She Got Harder” (first sprung in late 2015), will leave you winded. After they “Smoke The Würm,” Segall’s face-melting guitar work takes over (as it often does), and shit gets weird: “Final Notice” is an alarming reminder that the nightmares get worse when the Sleeper’s awake.

—Noah Bonaparte Pais