
Essential New Music: Moon Bros.’ “These Stars”


Despite the presence of four musicians on this record and the plural moniker, Moon Bros. is really one man. Guitarist Matt Schneider has been a presence on Chicago’s music scene since the turn of the century, playing jazz and quasi-Afrobeat. But before Chicago, he lived in Richmond, Ill. (population: 1,900), so the country soul that his wobbly croon projects feels pretty lived-in.

Moon Bros. is a flexibly sized singer/songwriter project, capable of expanding from one man for a house show to the quartet of post-rock survivors that made this LP. They play rustic country/rock that constantly struggles to keep upright as it stands on the poly-genre curveballs that the musicians toss Schneider’s way. His Spanish-tinged picking tangles with swooping steel over fluidly shifting rhythms; imagine late-period Byrds sharing stimulants with Scott Tuma and you’re in the ballpark.

—Bill Meyer