
Essential New Music: Eros And The Eschaton’s “Weight Of Matter”


Weight Of Matter is what the Brits would call a rum thing, a queer mix of songs in a variety of styles, but all anchored by Eros And The Eschaton’s swirly psychedelic bent. Its press often tags E&TE as a shoegaze band, and as pigeonholes go, that’s probably a broad enough one to work. But there’s a lot more going on with the group’s second album, which rocks as often as it shimmers and with equal determination.

Opening cut “OMG I AM” is the record’s most uncomplicatedly dozy track. Once it’s past, the band moves on to harder, squallier performances, of which “Rxx” and “Bop Shoo Bop” are particular standouts. The LP begins to wind down with its two most stately and frankly gorgeous cuts, “Shadow, Forth” and the title track. Weight Of Matter presents a band exploring its future possibilities. When you step back a bit, what it lacks in cohesion doesn’t take anything away from its success as a collection of excellent songs.

—Eric Waggoner