
From The Desk Of Blossoms: Gaming

British quintet Blossoms is unapologetically ambitious. Rather than quietly release 2014 debut single “Blow,” the band announced it with an ardent, online manifesto. “We want to be heard by everyone,” it read, in part. “We want to be as mainstream as Will Smith, as great as the Smiths, and as uplifting as Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.” The band has just issued its self-titled debut. Blossoms will also be guest editing all week. Read our new feature on the band.

Myles Kellock: Good pastime on the tour bus to put GTA on. First game I had was Rayman 2 when I was five, and it took me years to complete, and when I did I cried cause had nothing to do afterwards. Metal Gear Solid 2 was mint; I was always into games with a good story, like a movie that you play. Always ended up cheating online and getting banned on stuff so was never liked by my mates. The tunes are mint on GTA Vice City, where we all first heard them ’80s tunes.