Like the majority of you, all of us in the Philadelphia area are staying at home, learning to adapt to our “new normal.” MAGNET is checking in with local musicians to see how and what they’re doing during this unprecedented time. Photos by Chris Sikich.
Medosch: Summer has prematurely sprung forth for me, as it probably has for many others in this time. Though I am currently writing this at a desk on Girard Street in the city, the majority of my time has been spent at my mother’s house in the suburbs outside West Philly where my days consist of writing music, looking after our potbelly pig Bluto, going to the field behind my local library and, until recently, Zoom classes at digital Temple University.

With school over, I’m taking a break from life at my mother’s house to write and record with a band I play in called Antigone. The band has been an exceptionally productive new arc for me creatively since starting it late last year. Subsequently, my writing for my project Florry has seen a very pleasant reawakening, which is where my new EP, Oh You Vacation Time, came from.
Here at Girard, the days are spent resting and meditating through a routine of eat breakfast, hold record and press play, eat a possible second breakfast or just lunch, maybe take a nap, hold record and press play, miscellaneous, and sleep. I’m not freaking out as much over the coronavirus anymore, but sometimes I think I should be.

Every so often I will return to thinking about the reality that what’s happening now is something no one living has ever experienced. This is something my future kids will ask me about, something that future generations will read and learn about. And I’m living through it.