Like the majority of you, all of us in the Philadelphia area are staying at home, learning to adapt to our “new normal.” MAGNET is checking in with local musicians to see how and what they’re doing during this unprecedented time. Photos by Chris Sikich.
Roane: This pandemic has ironically been a blessing and a curse. I have had a lot of time during the quarantine to reflect on life and the value of my friends and family.

During a year where I had an album scheduled to be released, this plague/virus has put a damper on all musicians and artists as far as touring/performing. Unknowingly because of the lockdown, for three months, me and my small crew of producers were able to still do some new music at our home studio.
A lot of creativity was harnessed from the effects of the lockdown. We sometimes have to go inward to find ourselves, and this pandemic did that to us. We found the strength to still be creative through our worst fears. News of gloom and doom every second on the news made us have to refocus on whatever positivity we could find. Hopefully that music will turn into a full project in the very near future.
Happy to say that my album came out in October. It’s doing great! People have found strength from some of the songs and lyrical messages on the record. That makes me feel good.
I’m praying for better days in the future, and my album shines a light of faith and promise on that idea. Image A Nation by “V” is now available on all digital-music platforms.