Dean Wareham and Britta Phillips are New York City’s most effortless mod couple, a duo whose sleek, icily romantic pop can serve as both sophisticated art-gallery soundtrack and lovey-dovey fireplace music. In the four years since the breakup of former band Luna, Wareham and Phillips have pursued boutique careers in the best possible sense: in literature, film, fashion and the music business. Fittingly, their latest project, 13 Most Beautiful … Songs For Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests, sets a series of Warhol’s short films to music. The couple will be guest editing all this week. Read our Q&A with Dean & Britta.
Dean: Monique Truong recommended Another Bullshit Night In Suck City to me, and it is the best memoir I have read. It’s set largely in Boston in the 1980s. Author Nick Flynn worked nights at a homeless shelter, where he wound up meeting his own father. He also frequents a nightclub called Chet’s Last Call, where Galaxie 500 started out. Listen to a 2007 interview with Flynn here.