
The Thing The Wedding Present’s David Gedge Likes Best: My Kettle

Gedgelogo1Over the course of a quarter of a century, Wedding Present and Cinerama auteur David Gedge has consistently documented the intricacies of interpersonal communication, mostly of the romantic kind. While currently writing new tunes in his tradition of celebrating romantic bliss and bemoaning lost love, Gedge is also revisiting some old flames. His label, Scopitones, last week released Live 1988, a double album of concert recordings from—you guessed it—1988, the second in a series of LPs collecting live cassettes that were sold at gigs and through their fanzine in the late ’80s. The band is also playing Bizarro, arguably the best Wedding Present effort, in its entirety during a tour that kicked off April 1 in San Diego. Gedge will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new Q&A with him and our 2005 career overview of the Wedding Present.


Gedge: I guess kettles aren’t widely used in North America, but in the U.K., entire families live, breath and die by the kettle. A cup of tea seems to solve any woe. When people move house, they make sure that the kettle is easily findable and in one of the first boxes they unpack. I actually don’t drink that much tea, but I drink an awful lot of instant coffee, with lashings of milk. I heartily recommend that the North American public go out and buy an electric kettle (it boils in about 45 seconds), and you’ll all feel better after a quick cuppa.

Video after the jump.