The Goldberg Sisters is the new musical project from Adam Goldberg, the always entertaining actor/filmmaker whose impressive resume includes the likes of Saving Private Ryan, Dazed And Confused, Friends, Entourage, Zodiac, 2 Days In Paris and the Flaming Lips’ Christmas On Mars. The band’s 10-track, self-titled album (on Apology Music/Play It Again Sam) follows Goldberg’s 2009 musical debut, Eros And Omissions, released under the moniker LANDy. As with that project, The Goldberg Sisters finds Goldberg collaborating with Aaron Espinoza (Earlimart, Admiral Radley), though this time out, the duo was assisted by a handful of other musicians, including Goldberg’s girlfriend Roxanne Daner on violin. The result is a satisfying collection of effects-heavy, urbane psychedelia held together by Goldberg’s high-pitched, Lennon-esque croon. Goldberg will be guest editing all week. Read our new Q&A with him.
Goldberg: As noted, I don’t read. But started reading this in the tub the other day after a particularly brutal inability to keep from typing, tweeting or texting. Its few pages felt like brain floss. Poetic without be self-important, nuanced and detailed without meandering—and ultimately a bit surprising to me. I know Patti Smith from Horses really. I loved Horses. I couldn’t believe someone was making that music back in 1975. It blew my mind and moved me. But it’s indelicate in many ways. What little I have read so far (because I don’t take enough baths, breaks or time to read something that isn’t radioactive) has touched me, made me wonder if I can really recall anything with nuance or detail, and wonder and hope if I have a friend I’d write that book about and for.
Video after the jump.