
The Soundtrack Of Our Lives’ Ebbot Lundberg Can’t Control Himself: Jan Johansson (A Piano Player)

We assume most MAGNET readers are already under the magical, musical spell of the Soundtrack Of Our Lives, but if not, 2011 is the perfect time to change that. The Gothenburg, Sweden, band just released Golden Greats, No. 1 (Little W/The Orchard), a 19-track compilation of songs from throughout the group’s career. TSOOL formed in 1995 after the demise of Union Carbide Productions, a great, punk-leaning band featuring vocalist Ebbot Lundberg and guitarist Ian Persson. Since, TSOOL has released five studio albums and a handful of EPs and non-album singles, earning a Grammy nomination for 2002’s excellent Behind The Music. Lundberg will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new Q&A with him.

Lundberg: Jan Johansson was a Swedish jazz pianist. He’s not very well known outside of Scandinavia, and a lot of his records are out of print. However, Jazz På Svenska (“Jazz In Swedish”) has sold more than a quarter-million copies and is the best-selling jazz LP ever in Sweden. Johansson is from Söderhamn, in the Hälsingland province. As a child, he studied classical piano, moving on to the guitar, organ and accordion as a teenager. At university, he met saxophonist Stan Getz and then abandoned school to play jazz full time. He is probably best known as the composer of “Här Kommer Pippi Långstrump” (“Here Comes Pippi Longstocking”), the theme song from the famous Swedish TV show. His musical influence on the Soundtrack Of Our Lives is immense. He was a true genius. Unfortunately, he died in a car crash on his way to a concert in 1968.

Video after the jump.