of Montreal’s music is hard to define, given it changes more often than frontman Kevin Barnes’ sequined and feathered outfits during a live show. One album might be heavy on the drum machine and synthesizer, while another showcases Barnes’ best high-pitched Prince wail with more traditional strings and percussion. The Atlanta band boasts a prodigious body of work; in a decade and a half, Barnes and Co. have churned out 10 albums, eight collections and 29 singles and EPs, including their most recent effort, thecontrollersphere (Polyvinyl). Barnes and of Montreal’s two art directors—wife Nina Barnes (a.k.a. geminitactics) and brother David Barnes—will be guest editing magnetmagazine.com all week. Read our brand new Q&A with him.
Nina: Where to begin with this man? I can not do him justice in a paragraph. Just know that you are in for a ride, and whether you agree with him or not, he will amuse and provoke you with his observations on our society and culture. This Slovenian philosopher is perhaps one of the most influential thinkers of our time, from the far left of politics at least. Owing to his charismatic and confrontational style, he seems to have gained a lot of attention in the U.S. Listen to him explain cultural differences based on how we flush our poop. Or how we gain good coffee karma from Starbucks. Or how he, of course, is a disciple of Lacan. Listen to his mind-expanding views on cinema. And so on and so on …
Video after the jump.
One reply on “From The Desk Of Of Montreal: Slavoj Žižek”
A great man to point out here. He’s really becoming an icon in the world of philosophy. When I needed his backup for a Lacanian paper I was writing in school, no one had checked out his books in like 15 years! But now they are making movies about him, and people should pay attention to him. … But then who wants to stop and think about the implications of their actions in this faster paced day and age? But just a little thought, a little conscientiousness can make a difference.