
From The Desk Of Of Montreal: Lee Miller

of Montreal’s music is hard to define, given it changes more often than frontman Kevin Barnes’ sequined and feathered outfits during a live show. One album might be heavy on the drum machine and synthesizer, while another showcases Barnes’ best high-pitched Prince wail with more traditional strings and percussion. The Atlanta band boasts a prodigious body of work; in a decade and a half, Barnes and Co. have churned out 10 albums, eight collections and 29 singles and EPs, including their most recent effort, thecontrollersphere (Polyvinyl). Barnes and of Montreal’s two art directors—wife Nina Barnes (a.k.a. geminitactics) and brother David Barnes—will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new Q&A with him.

Nina: Lee Miller was robbed but still won. It is said that during her affair with Man Ray, she accidentally invented photograms, but Man Ray took the credit for it. Either way, this smart and beautiful (of course) photographer is perhaps best known for her work with Vogue at the end of World War II. She recorded the first use of napalm at the siege of Saint-Malo, the liberation of Paris, the battle for Alsace and the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps at Buchenwald and Dachau. David E. Scherman took a photo of Lee in Hitler’s bathtub in Munich, and this has become an iconic image. She was tough, gifted, vulnerable—a very intriguing character. Her active role in—and influence on—the surrealist movement, along with her poignant frozen documents of the ugliness and brutality of war, will be her legacy.

Video after the jump.