
From The Desk Of Beachwood Sparks: Ambulatory Outsides With Great Views (Favorite Walks Of The Past Year), Part 1

They burned brightly, but briefly. Now, they have rekindled the flame. For Beachwood Sparks, the metaphor is all too easy and all too apt. The band’s discography is succinct: two albums, plus an EP and a few singles. There wasn’t much, but there was something indelible about those records. They took the cosmic American music of the Flying Burrito Brothers and Byrds, added the bittersweet sounds of middle-period Beach Boys and Sister Lovers Big Star, then turned them into a sun-dappled, dreamy, psychedelic brand of alt-country. But by 2002, Beachwood had run its course, and the group disbanded amicably, five years after it formed. Now a decade later, Beachwood Sparks—guitarists Farmer Dave Scher and Chris Gunst, bassist Brent Rademaker and drummer Aaron Sperske—is back with The Tarnished Gold (Sub Pop). The quartet will also be guest editing magnet all week. Read our new feature on the band.

Gunst: The Bear Creek Canyon Trail in La Quinta. This hike starts in the awesome enclave of La Quinta Cove, which has adobe desert-style abodes to observe, and then veers up into the hills of La Quinta and climbs to a palm oasis. Lots of desert ions. You’ll have to have water and, hopefully, a buddy. You’ll also pass a section that has a great echo off of a ridge. I recommend saying something pleasant and loving like “May all beings be at peace” and letting the echo magnify the good karma. This is very close to Palm Springs and is a beautiful way to explore desert landscape. We saw two people the whole time we were out there. That’s our shadows in the picture!