
From The Desk Of The Veils: “Beetlejuice”

VeilsLogoTime Stays, We Go (Pitch Beast)—the Veils‘ 10-track, fourth release—is both patiently restrained and wildly emotional. It’s full of lush brass and sing-along melodies, moments of surf-rock guitar and beachside ukulele, and essential personal queries within the struggles of the human endeavor. It’s a small dose of Pixies, and definitely reminiscent of Talking Heads, with a nod toward Jeff Buckley. In other words, Time Stays has a familiar quality despite its newness, and it’s instantly likeable, much like frontman Finn Andrews himself. Andrews and bassist Sophia Burn will be guest editing all week. Read our brand new Veils feature.


Finn: OK, OK, I know this isn’t much of a surprise. “Dude in gothic-leaning indie band is a fan of early Tim Burton films, shocker.” But god I love this movie, and I have always loved this movie: I think I was six when it came out, and I have literally watched it every year since. I had the dialogue entirely memorised by the time I was nine and to this day quote lines from it to people and giggle, instantly dropping my street cred by about a million percent every time I do it. But I love it. I just do.

Here’s what I love about it.

1) The Model. I don’t know why this triggers something in me—probably cause I’m a retentive Virgo—but what I do know is the second I retire I am building a scale model of Devonport in my attic. Just you try and fucking stop me.

2) Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin. I remember thinking when I was a kid: I hope one day I’ll love someone as much as Alec Baldwin loves Geena Davis in Beetlejuice. The scene where their spirits are being exorcised by Glenn Shadix and they hold each other’s crumbling hands is more romantic than any scene in Gone With The Wind.

3) Michael Keaton. I love that the same guy who played a freelance bioexorcist sex addict also got to play Batman. Acting. That’s what that’s called.

Video after the jump.