
Best Of 2013, Guest Editors: Hebronix On “Earth 2″

As 2013 has come to an end, we are taking a look back at some of our favorite posts of the year by our guest editors.

HebronixLogoUnreal (ATP) is Daniel Blumberg’s first Hebronix album since leaving Yuck, the band he fronted from 2010 to 2012 and quit to “work on other things.” Now that it’s released, we can understand why he left. Produced by Neil Hagerty (Royal Trux, Howling Hex), Unreal isn’t Yuck, and it isn’t supposed to be. The clouds of guitar noise that saturate the album are quieter, moodier, more unsettling; the singing wearier, stretched thin as an old E string; and the songs more introspective, turning inward with lines like, “I’ve got some things to do/Some private things to do” and “I’m thinking about things/I already know.” Blumberg will be guest editing all week. Read our recent Hebronix feature.


Blumberg: I’ve been listening to this album a lot recently. It’s all electric drones. I find it very beautiful and reflective.

Sometimes it feels very wild. Sometimes it feels very peaceful. It feels like listening to waves in the sea. I feel myself being drawn to listening to it in differing moods and situations. There’s a lot of space for the listener.

Sometimes a record has very fixed parameters and you have to follow the path it takes you on quite rigidly. It’s a decision you make to connect with that at that moment.

Recently I’ve been making a lot of my own work, music and painting. Records like this give me space to develop my own ideas and aren’t distracting.

Video after the jump.