
From The Desk Of Dengue Fever: Krama

MAGNET knows a thing or two about good music, art and interesting people, so when Dengue Fever was asked to be guest editors, we all replied within minutes: ”Yes, please!” We have had our noses to the grindstone as of late because that’s what you need to do when you release your latest full-length studio album, The Deepest Lake, on your own label, Tuk Tuk Records. It’s a hell of a lot of work, and us sitting down and writing about subjects other than ourselves sounded like a great respite. So thank you, MAGNET. Enjoy the info, rants and inspirations. Who knows where they’ll take you …


Chhom Nimol: If I can recommend any fashion to people, I always recommend the traditional Cambodian scarf called a krama (or kroma). It is good for both men and women and comes in a thousand different patterns and styles. The traditional krama is a checkered red and white pattern, but today you can find them in any color, and some them are striped with no checkers. A krama is usually a mix of cotton and another material, and they are very lightweight and strong. The best kramas come from the markets in Cambodia. In Cambodia, we use the krama for everything. We can use it as a bandana to protect against the dust, or a head wrap to hide from the sun. Mothers use long kramas to swaddle their babies, and men use them as handkerchiefs and rags for wiping up dirt. They are perfect for the rain or the heat. They are also used for fashion because they are so light and you can carry them them anywhere. Right now I live in Los Angeles, and it is perfect for the days when it is hot, and the days when it is cold. I think I have about 30 different kramas at my house. The guys in the band love them, too, and you can usually see them with their krama onstage at the live shows to wipe the sweat from their heads! [Buy a Dengue Fever krama here. —ed] Video after the jump.