
From The Desk Of Gang Of Four: “The Blind Watchmaker”

Andy Gill has a relatively simple work ethic that’s guided him for years, ever since his legendary post-punk outfit Gang Of Four burst onto the staid scene with its jagged, jarring Entertainment! debut in 1979. “There are loads of bands that can chuck out the same album, year after year,” he says. “But that model is just not for me.” The group’s quantum leap forward to 1982’s more danceable third album, Songs Of The Free, might have clarified that tenet already. If not, the latest Gang Of Four record surely will—the aptly dubbed What Happens Next, Gill’s first after the departure of longtime vocalist Jon King. Gill will be guest editing all week. Read our new feature on the band.


Gill: The Blind Watchmaker: Why The Evidence Of Evolution Reveals A Universe Without Design is a 1986 book by Richard Dawkins in which he presents an explanation of, and argument for the theory of evolution. It suggests on the book jacket that the origin of life itself will be explained—about which one may be a little skeptical. But, in fact, it manages this very well. Obviously, we all know that evolution is a series, an infinitely large series, of accidents. Some people find this a struggle to believe because they would prefer to think that they were not the result of an infinite number of accidents.

Video after the jump.